We've planned for out next DTY outing (hoorayyy!)
Going to East Coast park. Here's the planned activities:
- Fly kite
- Cycle
- Build sandcastles
- Play with water
- Truth or Dare
- Stingray for lunch (other things too :D)
Points not in order. But roughly what we will be doing.
Points thought by Dearest Sabina, and me (:
Anyone has got better suggestions, please bring it up, don't keep to yourself ok! :D
And anyw, dates have not been confirmed.
I'm free okay, call or sms me to confirm dates ^^
Today is our first monthsary. (did I spell it right?) Anyway,
Stay happy, all!
*EDITS: looking forward to another DTY outing.
Hello all peoples
and aliens!
I'm here to update (: Yes, yes I'm so kind baby!
Anyhoos, I've changed the wallpaper to a fresher coloured one, at least to Me.
I've also updated the biography of every one of us.
Any mistakes, you may change it yourself (of cus, if you wna add anything else, go ahead :D)
OH! And results for next year's classes are out.
Wish all of ya'll + me (hehe) all the best in the our new class, alrights
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That's it.
You want a somemore like this? Visit again.
Hellos here to update!;D Dont let this blog dead okay, tag more people!!
Next year although we maybe going different class, but we'll still be tgt de right?:D
The usual morning meet ups, maybe recess and not forgetting the chinese lessons! How we used to sit at the back and crap and somebody keep talking abt big bang hor? Lol.
Haha, whatever it is, jys for next year okay! As for now, just concentrate on playing!! Yeah!
Haha okay, others update more okay?:D